FASPE Announces Its 2019 Awards for Ethical Leadership Honoring the Global Consulting Firm Accenture, Prosecutor Fritz Bauer (Posthumously) and Physician Dhruv Khullar

The Fellowships at Auschwitz for the Study of Professional Ethics (FASPE) will present its 2019 Awards for Ethical Leadership at its annual gala and awards dinner on Monday, April 15, 2019 in New York City. The event will begin at 6:30 pm and will be held at CNVS.

This year’s honorees are Accenture, a global consulting and professional services firm working at the intersection of business and technology; Fritz Bauer (posthumously), who prosecuted Nazi war criminals in Germany following World War II and spearheaded justice reforms; and Dhruv Khullar, a physician, researcher and author, who will be named this year’s Distinguished Fellow.

“Our honorees exemplify the ethical leadership that is at the core of FASPE’s mission,” said David Goldman, Founder and Chair of FASPE, which runs innovative fellowship programs that challenge graduate students and early-career professionals in business, journalism, law, medicine and religion to confront their ethical responsibilities.

“Professionals are the influencers in our communities and our leaders,” continued Goldman, “FASPE seeks to provide future leaders with the tools to identify ethical dilemmas, to pose the right ethical questions and to ensure that they do not ignore the ethical consequences. The stakes today are too high to ignore—from artificial intelligence, to genetic manipulation, to the proliferation of fraudulent news sources and much more.”

Accenture, is being recognized by FASPE for its leadership in applying ethical principles to the development and use of artificial intelligence and other innovative twenty-first century technologies. Fritz Bauer is being recognized posthumously for having been the first prosecutor to bring criminal charges under German law in German courts against officials at Auschwitz, despite active opposition from his superiors.

Dhruv Khullar, MD, MPP, is being honored as a Distinguished Fellow for his broad reach in bringing public awareness to key issues in medical ethics today through his writings and public appearances. Khullar, a physician at New York-Presbyterian Hospital and an assistant professor of medicine and an assistant professor of healthcare policy and research at Weill Cornell Medicine, is a frequent contributor to The New York Times and other publications, where he explores the intersection of medicine, health policy and economics. In 2012, he was a FASPE Medical Fellow.

The FASPE Gala Honorary Chairs are Paul R. Daugherty, Chief Technology & Innovation Officer at Accenture; David Gill, Consul General of Germany in New York; Joanne Waldstreicher, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Johnson & Johnson; David L. Taub of McDermott Will & Emery LLP; and Patrick Faller of Mayer Brown LLP. Tables start at $10,000. Tickets are now available and may be purchased at www.faspe-ethics.org/gala.


FASPE provides a unique historical lens to study contemporary ethics in the professions. Currently entering its tenth year of operations, FASPE’s Business, Journalism, Law, Medical and Seminary programs engage graduate students and early-career professionals in an intensive two-week study trip to Germany and Poland, where they explore contemporary ethical issues in their respective fields by first studying their professional counterparts in Europe during the period of 1933-1945. FASPE selects approximately 65-75 Fellows each year for its five programs through a competitive application process. It currently has over 500 alumni fellows, many of whom are emerging as leaders in their fields.

Visit www.faspe-ethics.org/gala to learn more about the 2019 Awards for Ethical Leadership and to purchase tickets. To learn more about FASPE, visit www.faspe-ethics.org.

Does Good Reporting Require More Than Watching a Video?

Nathan Phillips prays with other protesters near the main opposition camp against the Dakota Access oil pipeline near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, U.S., February 22, 2017.

Written by FASPE Journalism Fellows: Ian Kullgren, Christine Rushton and Dustin Volz

Journalism values accuracy and facts. But as videos go viral on social media and are accepted by their vast audiences as indisputable evidence of what occurred at a certain place and time, the line of what journalists use to back up their reported facts has started to blur into questionably ethical territory. Seasoned Atlantic writer James Fallows fell into this trap when publicly commenting on a video that appeared to depict a confrontation between a group of high school students from Covington Kentucky and a Native American elder in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. on January 18, 2019.

Before obtaining a fuller picture, numerous media outlets were quick to criticize the Covington Catholic High School students for taunting the Native Americans on the Mall, but then reversed their position when more videos and information surfaced. The incident serves as a useful demonstration of the tensions in journalism between speed and accuracy and between reporting based on perception and on provable fact. It also highlights the power of social media to time and again tempt us to react to a controversy without the requisite humility and courtesy we might afford one another in a face-to-face disagreement.

Read the original article on The Atlantic.

Should Ethics and Norms trump Politics and Personalities?

Secretary of Defense (designate) Elliot L. Richardson and Sen. John C. Stennis of Miss., January 1973

Written by FASPE Law Fellows: Shannon Joyce Prince and Carson Thomas

The Senate’s consideration of William Barr for Attorney General has brought renewed attention to the legal rules and ethical norms that apply to the recusal of government attorneys and to the independence of law enforcement officials. At this time, it is worth revisiting the commitments made by attorneys Elliot Richardson and William Saxbe when they were nominated, successively, by Richard Nixon to be attorney general during the Watergate investigation. Famously, Richardson committed to “pursue the truth wherever it may lead” and to do so “without fear or favor and with regard solely to the public interest.” In other words, legal rules and ethical norms must apply irrespective of the politics of the day or the identity of the President.

Should the Attorney General and other government attorneys be asked to go above and beyond statutory requirements and the rules of professional responsibility?  How should the Attorney General balance Department of Justice policy and a broader obligation to the public interest? Can we find guidance in other ethical frameworks, such as the Indian concept of dharma, which suggests that when civic and private interests conflict one should prioritize civic responsibilities?

Read the original article on Lawfare.

Is There More to Business Than ‘Shareholder Value’; What Is a Corporation’s Role in Civil Society?

Larry Fink, BlackRock CEO

Written by FASPE Business Fellows Brian Hathaway and Courtney Kaplan

In a world in which democratically elected governments seem increasingly unable to enact policy while large companies exercise outsized influence, what is the appropriate role of a corporation? Is it solely to maximize profits? The world’s two largest asset management companies made headlines this month: Vanguard Group for the passing of its founder John C. Bogle, who popularized the index fund, and BlackRock Inc. for Larry Fink’s annual letter to CEOs. Institutional investors, such as Vanguard and BlackRock, now own approximately two-thirds of U.S. equities and thus can exert broad influence over managerial practices. While Fink’s motivations and effectiveness may be debated, institutional investors will continue to shape discussions of corporate purpose. This op-ed examines Fink’s call to view social purpose as a company’s “fundamental reason for being” and as inextricably linked with profitability.

Read the original article on Bloomberg Opinion.

Department Stores for Our Babies’ Genes: Must They Be Regulated?

He Jiankui spoke at the second international summit on human genome editing in Hong Kong.

Written by FASPE Medical Fellows: Alexa Kanbergs and Joseph Scarpa, Jr.

He Jiankui, a Chinese biophysicist, claims that he has edited twin human embryonic genomes with a new technology called CRISPR-Cas9 to produce the first humans born with artificially edited genomes. The reception by the scientific community has been primarily one of intense criticism. Despite being impressed by He’s state-of-the-art technology, leading researchers have described this as a “failure of self-regulation.” He’s work raises questions regarding how broadly a medical researcher’s responsibility extends to the potential unintended consequences of his or her work and how critical is that researcher’s obligation to existing patients who may benefit from unrefined research and technology.

He, a researcher at China’s Southern University of Science and Technology, edited a gene, named CCR5, which provides the route by which HIV infects the immune system. Given the high prevalence of HIV in China, removing both copies of CCR5 would theoretically protect someone from contracting HIV. One of the twins, whose genome He manipulated, had both copies of the gene removed, while the other only had one gene successfully removed by the technology (meaning that he would still be at risk for HIV). Regardless of this difference, the parents decided to have both embryos implanted in the mother.

The literature regarding the ethics of gene editing usually breaks down into a discussion regarding cure vs enhancement. Interestingly, He’s actions are an example of enhancement for the sake of disease prevention.

The backlash has been severe. Some have stated flatly that this technology was not ready for human application, while others wished He had targeted other genes for elimination that would cure a disease, like Huntington’s or Tay-Sachs. The Chinese Academy of Sciences has condemned this work, the top scientific societies in China have stated that He violated human rights laws, and Francis Collins (director of the US National Institute of Health) has called for the development of a “binding international consensus” to regulate this type of research. A secondary ethical dilemma wrapped into this case is how scientific norms are discovered, agreed upon, and enforced, and whether medical scientists are bounded by these norms even at the potential expense of a particular patient.

Read the original article posted on Nature.

Religious Law or Civil Law; What Should Govern in the Case of Sexual Abuse by Clergy?

Written by FASPE Seminary Fellows: Cornelia Dalton, Deacon Andrew J. De Silva and Alissa Oleson

“For the one in authority is God’s servant for your good.” This line of Scripture taken from Romans 13:04 lies at the intersection of religious and civil law. It also lies at the heart of a piece by Basyle J. Tchividjian, executive director of Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment (GRACE), who argues that religious leaders are obligated to work with the proper civil authorities and professional experts to address allegations of sexual abuse swiftly, thoughtfully, and with as much dignity and respect as possible for the victimized child. In Jewish tradition, the concept of dina d'malkhuta dina—the law of the land is the law—speaks to the same matter. Tchividjian advocates for having policy protocols in place at schools and places of worship, addressing the concerns of the wider community, and placing the needs of the victim first.

Read the original article on Currents in Theology and Mission.